

About Mixed Global Series

Mixed Global Series Private Limited is a leading music company of Mixed Global Series. The music company started a small Music

Production House business in Dhaka, a brainless state in Dhaka Bangladesh. He put a lot of effort into how he made this positive change on his own initiative. Since 2016, Mixed Global Series Pvt LTD was founded by Shawon Khan Sourov as a music production. Mixed Global Series Private Limited has been ahead of the music industry in Bangladesh since 2018.

The inability to Repeat the modern system of globalization has opened a new horizon for the extra-national Market, Where, its kinds of music need more functionality and better music than a higher market for developing high performance and efficiency.

Achieving Maximum efficiency and performance Mixed Global Series Private Limited prepares its employees for improvement. It’s a progressive business Outlook, believes, and practices work culture with a classic blend of efficiency and equity. Mixed Global Series believes in company growth by increasing the offering excellent environment and support for skill and knowledge upgradation.

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Mission Mixed Global Series

Methods of Training:
Our various types of Methods of Training. Such as-

Apprentice program and job instruction Training both are by the company. Our music company also considers the drawback of the job training. lower productivity and error made the trainees.

Our Music company uses all types of off-the-job training like lecture or conference, films, entertainment,etc.

Round the year, Management developments Training is organized for managers and executives at the Corporate Headquarters, Dhaka Unit. Our Music company also sends our employees to Renowned our Training music institutes for specialized Training.

Each year, a significant number of Field Forces Complete our employee induction training program and joined their respective markets, and appear at an examination in every month for further Development.

For updating product knowledge and selling skills offield forces, Refresher course is organized in four different regions in every month

Twice in every year, Mid-Level managers of sales participate in the training program titled sales “Territory Management” at a regular basis.


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Employee development process from training program

Mixed Global Series Private Limited Company of Mixed Global Series group Employee Development processes, encouraging employees to acquire new or advanced skills, knowledge, and viewpoints by providing learning and training facilities. There are some processes of employee development.


Orientation training is  crucial to the success of the company (MGS) of new recruits. It is providing new employees with information regarding The Company’s background, strategies, mission, vision and objectives. Such training gives employees an opportunity to familiarize themselves with company Policies, Rules, and Regulations.


In addition, we will provide additional resources and funding for artists, as well as longer-term partnerships to support their growth and development. We are dedicated to expanding
our reach across multiple countries and territories, and providing the necessary support to ensure the success of our artists.

Computer-based Training (CBT):

The benefit of computer-based Training (CBT) is that each employee is given the freedom to learn at their own pace at their most convenient time. It also helps to Reduce the total cost that our company incurs in training the employees, cost are minimized by reducing the training duration, eliminating the need for instructions, and reducing travel. The all of training includes improvements and Developments in improving and Developing employee performance and boosting our company’s Reputation.

our vision



Mixed Global Series Maintains high-quality standards for its products, which is why it enjoys a good position in the streaming Stores. our company finds the streaming platforms selling very transparent, with No deception at all, which is why it enjoys a good reputation in the streaming Stores. our good demand developed in streaming Stores. helps us to get a good market for all the products put in the Market. Mixed Global Series has excellent sales and distribution Channels. MGS Has profitable Marketing with high consumer spending is another important factor that allows business development and sales channels and website.



MGS is Capable of Returning more from other Stores in the world via Export. MGS has traded in MCN domestically and internationally is another MGS way of emerging. our income is increasing day by day. it has been music-delivering system Management and New innovations in hearing products.



We saw the following instructions at Mixed Global Series PVT LTD. The training facilities of Mixed Global Series PVT LTD. are up to the standard. Our MGS music organization Level follows the preliminary plan and strictly maintains our employee's training,

Through the probe, It is established that mixed global series Pvt Ltd, has a strong training and development system, but which need some tuning with much care and emphasizing training as a core activity of its business. Another critical issue for mixed global series is the need for quality trainers. Though the training wing doing their best and obviously, we provide quality training, The external training offered includes more and more, it must also increase. we can enrich our own faculty list, Finally, We will transform our company into the top music company in the world, InshAllah