Mixed Global Series Publishing

Our Own Technology

Our technology allows for easy and efficient management of your rights, including real-time monitoring of your compositions and automatic royalty collection. With user-friendly interface,
you can have full visibility and control over your music distribution, and make data-driven decisions to grow your revenue and audience. We also offer a wide range of features and integrations to help you to expand your distribution and reach more fans worldwide. Choose Mixed Global Series and take advantage of our cutting-edge technology to simplify your rights management and grow your music career.

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  • The Acknowledgment files have been validated using advanced automation techniques, with any conflicts efficiently handled by our dedicated team of experts.

  • Utilizing advanced technology, this mixed global series aims to accurately match previously unidentified compositions, allowing for the fair distribution of retroactive royalties.

  • Additionally, this mixed global series provides ongoing monitoring and administration of your catalog, ensuring that all usage and performance of your compositions is tracked and properly compensated. This comprehensive service ensures that your intellectual property is protected and that you are receiving all of the royalties you are entitled to, both in the present and for any retroactive usage.

  • This mixed global series also provides detailed reporting and transparent accounting so you can easily track your royalties and understand where they are coming from. With this service, you can have peace of mind knowing that your intellectual property is protected and that you are receiving all of the royalties you are entitled to, both in the present and for any retroactive usage. It also provides access to the global network of collection societies and copyright organizations, which helps to ensure that your rights are protected and your royalties are collected from all possible sources.

  • This mixed global series focuses on collecting and distributing YouTube Publishing royalties for creators worldwide. It ensures that you receive fair payment for the use of your compositions on the world's largest video sharing platform.

  • This mixed global series specializes in the collection and distribution of royalties for the use of lyrics worldwide. It ensures that you receive fair payment for the use of your words in any medium, from songs to advertisements.

  • Collection of royalties from the use of your lyrics

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